
Sustainability describes an operational principle regarding the use of resources. The increase of the resource efficiency does not only support the manufacturer to increase its innovative capabilities and competitiveness – and with this to safe jobs, but it is an important contriburion to save resources and thereby to the protection of the environment and the climate.

REACH and standardisation


REACH is the abbreviation of Registration, Evaluation and Authorisationof Chemicals. It is a declared aim of the REACH regulation of 01.06.2007 to increase knowledge about hazards and risks arising form chemical substances. Furthermore, the competitiveness of the branch within in the EU shall be strengthened.

After expiry of the registration term on 31.05.2018 and wtihin the scope of the REACH regulation only chemical substances may be placed on the market which have been registered beforehand according to the principle “No markte without data”.

The companies of the KAJO group face this challenge and are actively working at the implementation of REACH.


KAJO offers a wide product range – from standard articles to tailor-made solutions meeting with the demanding requirements of our customers. We produce at our own plants according to our own formulations or according to the specifications of our customers.

We understand ourselves as the troubleshooters of our customers and invite you to take advantage of our know-how and experience: We will find the perfect solution for your indiviudal requirements.